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CoolSculpting Elite

The one and ONLY FDA-cleared treatment to permanently eliminate stubborn fat in 9 different areas of the body including under the chin and jawline areas, thighs, abdomen and flanks, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and upper arms.

We are CoolSculpting Elite Officially Certified

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CoolSculpting Elite Fat Removal in Shreveport

CoolSculpting Elite is a breakthrough FDA cleared non-­invasive procedure that uses cooling technology, a process known as cryolipolysis (or fat freezing), to noticeably eliminate fat without surgery. This revolutionary, non-surgical treatment reduces fat in common trouble areas that tend to be diet and exercise-­resistant.  While most patients start to see changes as quickly as three weeks after their treatment, numerous experience the most dramatic results after two months and some patients will still see results continuing for up to four to six months after treatment.





Targeted Transformations: Treating a Variety of Areas

Experience the remarkable results of CoolSculpting Elite across key areas of concern. From the abdomen and submental (chin) region to the inner thighs, bra bulge, lower abdomen, and upper arms, witness transformative outcomes that truly speak for themselves. Click below to see before and after photos showcasing these targeted treatments.



We'll  work with you to determine if you're a candidate and develop a personalized treatment plan.

We use cryolipolysis, otherwise known as fat freezing, to freeze the fat cells in the treated area.

Following treatment, the body will naturally eliminate the dead fat cells, which can result in up to 20-25% reduction of stubborn fat in treated areas.


We'll  work with you to determine if you're a candidate and develop a personalized treatment plan.


We use cryolipolysis, otherwise known as fat freezing, to freeze the fat cells in the treated area.


Following treatment, the body will naturally eliminate the dead fat cells, which can result in up to 20-25% reduction of stubborn fat in treated areas.

How Does CoolSculpting Elite Work?

Our Coolsculpting Specialist marking a patients stomach where they will be getting coolsculpting elite treatment

CoolSculpting Elite procedures are entirely non-invasive making them quick, easy, and virtually painless. The contouring treatment is done in-office and uses patented fat-freezing technology to effectively remove unwanted fat cells from the body. The CoolSculpting Elite applicator is applied to the treatment area to selectively target isolated pockets of fat while leaving surrounding tissue unharmed.


Fat cells are crystallized (frozen) and begin to die. Eventually, your body naturally begins to metabolize the treated fat cells. Unlike similar treatments that solely reduce the size of fat cells, CoolSculpting Elite helps completely flush damaged cells from the body leaving you with a more contoured physique.

Am I a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting Elite?

CoolSculpting Elite is ideal for the patient who:


  • exercises

  • watches what they eat

  • wants a noninvasive procedure

  • wants their clothes to fit better

  • wants to look better in bathing suits

  • has stubborn fat in the abdomen, hips, back, thighs, arms, or double chin


CoolSculpting Elite is safe and effective for all skin types, textures, and tones. If you’re an otherwise healthy adult with isolated fat pockets, you’re most likely a good fit for the procedure. At the time of your in-person consultation, our expert providers at Kenneth Sanders Facial Plastic Surgery in Shreveport will assess your candidacy for the procedure and customize a treatment plan to help you effectively meet your goals.  You can also count on us to be completely honest if you are NOT a good candidate and would never steer you wrong.

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?

CoolSculpting treatments can vary significantly from patient to patient. Depending on the treatment area(s), you can expect your procedure to take anywhere from 30-60 minutes. Patients who would like to address two areas at once (i.e., inner/outer thighs) can do so in a single office visit.


CoolSculpting Elite treatments are performed by the one of the only CoolSculpting Elite practices in Shreveport to have a CoolSculpting University trained expert. We have been doing this for over three years and have performed hundreds of treatments.


Most patients watch movies on our Flat screen tv, read a magazine, work on their computers with our office WiFi, talk on the phone, or even nap during the procedure.

What Results Will I See?

CoolSculpting Elite Machine with Applicators

Many patients start to see initial results from their CoolSculpting Elite treatment in just a month or two. Clothing will begin to have a better fit, and you’ll notice a more streamlined physique over the course of several months. Final results from CoolSculpting Elite will be apparent about 3-4 months after your final session.

While you may be able to see a reduction of fat with one CoolSculpting Elite appointment, the majority of patients need a series of treatments to achieve an optimal outcome. You may need anywhere from 2 or more sessions based on your short and long-term goals.


Ruptured fat cells that are metabolized by the body are unable to reform. That being said, CoolSculpting Elite cannot prevent future fat from accumulating with considerable weight gain. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will allow you to enjoy your results from your CoolSculpting Elite sessions for the rest of your life.


How Often Can You Get CoolSculpting? While most patients start to see changes as quickly as three weeks after their  first treatment, it's essential to understand how many times you can coolsculpt an area. Generally, two sessions are recommended but a  third may sometimes needed to achieve optimal results, with a recommended waiting period between sessions for optimal results.



Is There Any Downtime or Side Effects?

There is no downtime, recuperation, needles, anesthesia, chemicals or surgery involved with CoolSculpting Elite. Side effects are minimal and typically subside quickly. You may experience slight redness, swelling, or tenderness at or around the treatment site for several hours to several days.


While CoolSculpting Elite is generally safe, like all procedures, there are potential side effects. One rare side effect is paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), which has historically occurred in approximately 1 in 4,000 treatments. However, with the introduction of newer, gentler applicators of Coolsculpting Advantage in 2016, this unwanted side effect became even less common. The comfortable handpieces of Cool Elite in 2021 have no reported cases of PAH.

CoolSculpting Elite vs Traditional CoolSculpting

What is the difference between CoolSculpting and CoolSculpting Elite? While both treatments are FDA-cleared, CoolSculpting Elite offers enhanced efficiency in eliminating fat.

CoolSculpting Elite


CoolSculpting FAQs

CoolSculpting Real Life Stories

Many people have benefited tremendously from CoolSculpting. They have seen significant changes in their body, such as a flatter stomach and toned arms. They have witnessed an improvement in how they view themselves. They are optimistic and willing to engage with the world more positively. Consider these stories below as a testament to the power of CoolSculpting.

CS Experiences
Meet Tanya_edited.jpg


Tanya is a 40-year-old mom of 3 kids who had a body that never bounced back. Growing up, Tanya has always been praised by her peers for being able to remain thin despite what she ate. She could consume whatever she wanted without ever having to worry about gaining a pound. Throughout college and high school, her body remained the same. While others were so concerned about their body image, Tanya didn't share their worries. By the age of 40, Tanya has three kids. She hardly recognizes the body she has now. "These days," she says, "I'm the one lusting after my old body." Tanya has been working out, but nothing seems to change. "I still have problem areas such as my stomach and arms." After hearing about CoolSculpting, Tanya decided to give it a try. Following her first treatment, she the saw results she was wanting. She now feels "confident and in control. My body is back, and I only recall feeling this great when I was younger.

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Matthew is a 45-year-old man who was trying to get rid of his "dad bod." In high school, Matthew was popular. He was the big football star that everyone adored. Matthew was in shape, and he performed exceptionally well on the field. When he advanced to college, it was the same. He maintained his figure by working out five times a week, sometimes more. After graduating from college, he got into the workforce, and he wasn't able to work out as often as he used to. It shifted from multiple times a week to once a week. The "dad bod" evolved, and eventually, he lost all hope for his body. Out of frustration, Matthew committed to a workout plan. Despite working out, some areas needed more attention. So, he checked out CoolSculpting. "I thought the treatment was designed only for women, but I quickly realized how wrong I was when I began the treatment. Over time, my stomach got flatter, and I finally began to see the results from working out at the gym too. I feel more self-assured now. I don't feel ashamed to take off my shirt and go swimming with my kids. I'm back!

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Margaret is a 65-year-old woman who finally put herself first. Margaret is an amazing mother to her children, and she is also a fantastic grandmother. For over 30 years, she has committed herself to looking after everyone around her. She always puts others first and thinks about herself last. In doing so, Margaret became so consumed with making everyone else happy that she lost herself along the way. Her body changed and so did her mood. She couldn't be bothered with working out or doing anything to make her feel her best. She presumed her children and grandchildren mattered more than herself. She heard about CoolSculpting but was reluctant because of her age. She decided to give it a try. After completion of her treatment, Margaret was thrilled. "Why didn't I do this sooner?! I love how my body looks." Now that she has attained a leaner body, Margaret's confidence is in full effect. She is back to putting herself first and looking her best always.

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Dave is a 55-year-old male who is getting back into the dating game. Dave was previously married, and after some time, he decided to step back into the dating world. But he was concerned about being judged. "I'm a mature gentleman. Women are looking for men that are fit and in shape. Dave wanted that confidence again. After being chained to his desk for the last 30 years, he was ready to do something for himself. Dave was prepared to change his life and truly begin living. He wanted his personal life in better shape. Following a discussion with his co-worker about the fitness journey, they mentioned CoolSculpting. He heard about the benefits and decided to give it a try. After his consultation, treatment began. Over time, Dave saw a change in his body. He was getting compliments from the women at work, and that made him feel so much better about how he fit in his clothes. His confidence was restored, and his drive to get back out there and live his life returned.

CoolSculpting Form


Like these individuals, you don't have to do it on your own. CoolSculpting is a safe, effective, FDA- cleared fat-freezing technology that has been helping millions of people. For more information on how it can benefit you, give us a buzz or shoot us an email!

Ready to Freeze the Fat Away?

Get a Free In-Depth Consult & "feel" of CoolSculpting
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Female, Abdomen

Female abdomen before coolsculpting elite treatment
female abdomen after coolsculpting elite treatment
8 weeks after CoolSculpting Treatment
Free 3 Min CoolSculpting Trial


Dr. Sanders is an amazing surgeon! He’s kind and caring. He doesn’t rush through a visit! I have 100% confidence in his medical expertise! The staff is also excellent!! They all set the bar very high. Found my forever team!!!!  

-Mary N

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